· Remove portafilter and set aside. · Take your blind basket portafilter, pour in 1 tsp of coffee machine cleaning power, and lock in your blind portafilter into the group you will be cleaning. · On the left Group Display use the Menu Button to scroll left two screens until the display reads Full Cleaning. · Press the Menu Botton and scroll between G1 (Group 1), G2 (Group 2), All (Both Groups), or No (No Cleaning) · Press the Menu Button for the group you will be cleaning. · The Slayer will immediately begin a counter going down from 100s and cycling between 7s on and 3s off to clean the group. · When the cycle is complete the display will say “Remove Portafil. Click for Flush” indicating to remove the blind portafilter before flushing the group. · The Slayer will begin another counter going down from 30s when you click the Menu Button. · The group will then run continuously during the countdown to remove any risidual cleaning powder. · The shot light will flash three times to indicate the cleaning cycle is complete and stop the group from running. · Place the portafilter back into the group head, repeat on the additional groups if necessary, and once complete, head out and onto the rest of your day.