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QuickTech ™️©️®️: Clean that Flapper. ft the Mahlkonig E65 GbW!

From clumpy spro to all out chaos and mass barista hysteria. Grinder care is a cornerstone just like a trusty shop vac.


- Dry Bar Rag

- Flat Head Screwdriver


· Close hopper & grind off any remaining beans.

· Turn off your grinder and remove the hopper. ·

Unscrew the two collar screws without removing and slide collar to the unlock position.

· Remove the flapper and wipe off residual grounds and oil.

· Place the flapper back, put the collar back, lock, and tighten the screws.

· Finally, put the hopper back on, flip that switch, and you're back in business for another successful day slinging spro.

This has been you're Black Rabbit QuickTech ™️©️®️ Tech Tip!

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